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The brain learns most effectively when we’re active and engaged.

That’s why in my classes I teach in a fun, engaging, interactive way: we get moving, we express ourselves, stand up from our chairs, and actively take part in the lesson. We experiment, explore, and work together as a team.

I use storytelling, hands-on activities, demonstrations, experiential exercises, games, and sharing to create real transformation.

I teach by tapping into emotions because we learn best when we´re excited. That´s why every session is filled with surprises, curiosity, and inspiration.


I am very flexible in my approach to empowering young minds!

I’m absolutely thrilled to cater to your preferences, whether you’re looking for multiple weekly sessions on any of my subjects, themed days or weeks, or even specific events, I can accommodate your needs.

I’m excited to offer my services in delivering captivating speeches on a wide range of topics, contributing to summer camps or summits, or any other way to empower young minds!

I can tailor any of my subjects to your target audience, ensuring that it aligns with your specific objectives.

These are my subjects:

The Power of a Growth Mindset

The Power of a Growth Mindset

We will examine the concept of a growth mindset and distinguish it from a fixed mindset. My students will discover that by taking on challenging tasks, we can enhance our intelligence and realize our boundless potential. They will understand that learning is a superpower we all possess. Together, we will uncover the major factors for success, realizing that many factors contributing to it remain invisible from the outside. Students will learn that reframing failure and mistakes is a significant element of success. Mistakes and failures serve as catalysts for personal growth, teaching us valuable lessons that enable us to improve with experience and knowledge. As we acknowledge our brain's capacity to develop, we cultivate self-assurance, resilience, and a fearless approach towards failure.

The Super Power of our Thoughts

Our thoughts are like a lens through which we see the world! Knowing that our thoughts shape our perception of the world is an incredibly empowering realization. Rather than events having inherent meaning, we assign meaning to them ourselves. Together, we explore how our minds work and how our thoughts and belief systems impact our bodies and shape our reality. It is crucial to comprehend how negative thoughts and limiting beliefs can sabotage our progress in achieving our goals. By understanding this, we unlock the ability to choose our thoughts and utilize them to our advantage. What we focus on, we attract into our lives, choosing to think supportive and empowering thoughts is therefore crucial. Students will learn how to use the power of positive self-talk, visualization, and affirmations to (re)program their minds, enabling them to attain whatever they desire. If we can succeed in our mind, we can succeed in life!

The Super Power of our Thoughts
The Power of having a Vision

The Power of having a Vision

Everyone has incredible potential and deserves to discover their unique talents and make a positive impact on the world. Finding our purpose and having a clear vision gives us a sense of meaning, and helps us make wise decisions. A vision serves as an internal compass throughout life´s journey and prevents us from drifting through life! It's important for young people to dream big, explore their endless possibilities, and imagine their future without any limitations. I provide empowering tools to help them focus on their vision, get excited about what lies ahead, and bring their dreams to life. Every student will create their own vision board, which will serve as a daily reminder of their goals and vision.

The Super Power of Self-Esteem

How much can we achieve if we truly believe in ourselves? The sky´s the limit! Self-esteem is one of the most powerful forces in our existence … the way we feel about ourselves affects virtually every aspect of our existence. How we perceive ourself determines what we think we are able to do and that determines in turn what we will try. The abilities of self-esteem and self-confidence are not fixed traits but rather skills that can be enhanced through practice. To build and strengthen these abilities is the aim of this module.

The Super Power of Self-Esteem
The Secret to always stay in Control

The Secret to always stay in Control

These sessions focus on personal leadership and empower students to take responsibility for their lives, becoming leaders and masters of their own destinies. Students will discover that they have the ability to change their thinking, feeling and response to any situation, therefore having power over the outcomes they create. This knowledge will empower my students to effectively handle situations, even when they have no control over the circumstances, enabling them to navigate life´s challenges with resilience and confidence. Moreover, they will understand that using victim language, such as blaming, complaining or making excuses, relinquishes their personal power. The objective is to adopt a proactive and accountable approach towards life and therefore be the intentional creator or their own life.

The powerful tool of Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful tool that holds great potential in generating positive energy and attracting positive elements into our lives. It serves as a powerful tool that cultivates happiness, equips us to navigate disappointments, alter our mood, and reduces stress levels. Students will gain valuable skills to adopt an attitude of gratitude, enabling them to welcome more positives into their lives.

The powerful tool of Gratitude
The Master Skill of Goal Setting

The Master Skill of Goal Setting

During this phase of the training, my students will be taught how to transform their visions into specific and measurable goals. By doing so, they will be able to take action towards achieving their goals with confidence. Learning how to set goals effectively is a transformative experience. Having the ability to set goals and mastering the tools to achieve them is the "master skill" for achieving success. By having the skill of setting goals effectively and knowing how to accomplish them, young people can attain anything they desire in their life. When young individuals become passionate about setting goals and accomplishing them, they become motivated and excited about their future. As a result, they will realize the immense benefits of living a life with purpose rather than merely drifting through it.

The Secret of the Law of Attraction

In this part of the course, my students will learn about the law of attraction and how it can be used to bring anything they desire into our lives. This concept suggests that by focusing on our desires with positivity and intention, we can make them a reality. The techniques of visualization, affirmation, and gratitude are powerful tools that can help us align our thoughts, emotions, and actions with our goals and desires, creating momentum towards manifesting the life we want. Ultimately, students will learn how to create a daily routine that empowers them to accelerate reaching their goals and dreams.

The Secret of the Law of Attraction
Standing up to Peer Pressure

Standing up to Peer Pressure

Negative pressure is likely the biggest source of trouble for children. In this course, children will acquire skills to assert themselves when their peers try to persuade them into doing something they don´t want to do. It is important for kids to learn this skill early on, as even adults face peer pressure. Understanding what peer pressure looks like, sounds, and feels like is vital so that children can confidently resist it and stay true to themselves. I will provide guidance to my students to help them what they want in life, which will serve as a compass during moments of peer pressure. It´s far better to make a proactive decision now than to make a decision when feeling pressured by peers. When confronted with such situations, there is little time to reflect on personal beliefs. Students will learn to confidently say “no” to peer pressure.

Choosing Integrity and Making Good Choices

Acquiring the skill of making effective choices empowers students to navigate life with confidence. By learning to make wise decisions aligned with their personal values, students develop an internal guide that directs them towards positive outcomes. It is crucial to proactively address significant life matters beforehand, as hasty or instantaneous decisions can lead to undesirable consequences. Upholding integrity and staying true to oneself fosters self-trust and earns the trust of others. Furthermore, students gain valuable knowledge on handling mistakes and restoring integrity when it has been compromised.

Choosing Integrity and Making Good Choices
Burst through Fear, Moving past Mistakes and Failure

Burst through Fear, Moving past Mistakes and Failure

Fear primarily originates from our thoughts. Students will acquire the skills to handle fear and to create courage, enabling them to burst beyond their comfort zones. It is crucial for children to understand that we ALL make mistakes, we all fail and that this is part of life. However, the key lies in how we handle these missteps and setbacks. I will equip students with techniques to perceive failure and mistakes as events to be managed rather than a characteristic of themselves. Moreover, they will learn to view failure and mistakes as chances for personal growth and how to let them go and move forward with intact self-confidence.

The Magic of Respect and Self-Respect

Respecting others is essential for establishing effective relationships and achieving our desired outcomes in life. Students will come to understand that our interactions with others have a lasting impact. Moreover, they will gain the insight that the way we treat others has a reciprocal effect, affecting our own well-being either positively or negatively. They will also recognize the impact they have on themselves, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing self-care and addressing their personal needs. Students will acquire the ability to respectfully decline requests, ensuring they preserve their energy levels to effectively assist others. Additionally, students will grasp the significance of cultivating self-respect, as it sets the example how others treat us.

The Magic of Respect and Self-Respect
The super power of self-esteem

The super power of self-esteem

Self-esteem is one of the most powerful forces in our existence … the way we feel about ourselves affects virtually every aspect of our existence. How we perceive ourself determines what we think we are able to do and that determines in turn what we will try. The abilities of self-esteem and self-confidence are not fixed traits but rather skills that can be enhanced through practice. To strengthen these abilities, it is essential to step out of the comfort zone and take risks. Students will also learn how to reframe failure and welcome it as an opportunity of growth.

The super power of our thoughts

The super power of our thoughts

As a part of this curriculum, students will gain an understanding of how our thoughts shape our perception of the world. They will be taught effective techniques for overcoming limiting beliefs and leveraging the power of positive self-talk and the power of thinking positive, empowering and uplifting thoughts. Students will gain the awareness how negative self-talk unconsciously sabotages them and what a harmful effect it can have. I will also teach my students how to use visualization and other powerful tools to create the life they really desire.

The secret to always stay in control

The secret to always stay in control

The Secret to Always Being in Control," focuses on personal leadership and teaches students how to take charge of their own lives and responsibilities. Through this module, students will discover that they possess the ability to change their thinking and response to any situation, ultimately having power over the outcome. The module emphasizes the notion that while we may not always be able to control the circumstances, we can always choose how we respond to them, which significantly impacts the outcome. Students will learn that if you blame someone else for what happened to you, if you complain or make excuses you give away your power and victimize yourselves. The module´s objective is for students to change their thinking and behaviour to adopt a more proactive and accountable approach towards their lives.

The secret of gratitude

The secret of gratitude

The topic of this segment is about the immense strength of gratitude. Students will discover that by practicing gratitude daily, their attention is redirected towards the positive aspects of life. This improves the mood and reduces levels of stress. One can simply not hold negative and positive emotions simultaneously. Students will learn to develop a mindset of gratitude and with time their perspective on the world will shift where they will be continually look for things to be grateful for in life.

The Power of a Growth Mindset

The Power of a Growth Mindset

In this segment the focus will be on understanding the idea of a growth mindset and how to develop it. Learning how to take control of your brain is one of the most powerful things you can do for your confidence and for your life. Students with a growth mindset view challenges as chances to progress towards their goals and regard obstacles as valuable feedback that can help them in their learning process. By recognizing their brain's potential to develop, they become self-assured, resilient, and unafraid of failure.

The power of dreaming big

The power of dreaming big

During this session, students will have the opportunity to identify their desired future self, goals, and aspirations. Many times, our dreams can become obscured by negative influences we encounter in life. However, in this session, students will rediscover what truly matters to them, whether it be personal or professional success. By creating their own vision boards, they will be able to visualize and become excited about their future possibilities. Furthermore, students will learn techniques to reinforce their subconscious belief in their ability to achieve their wildest dreams.

The secret power of setting energizing goals

The secret power of setting energizing goals

During this phase of the training, my students will be taught how to transform their aspirations into specific and measurable objectives. By doing so, they will be able to take action towards achieving their goals with confidence. Learning how to set goals effectively is a transformative experience. As per Bryan Tracy, having the ability to set goals and devise strategies to achieve them is the "master skill" for achieving success. By having the skill of setting goals effectively and knowing how to accomplish them, young people can attain anything they desire in their life. When young individuals become passionate about setting goals and accomplishing them, they become motivated and excited about their future. As a result, they will realize the immense benefits of living a life with purpose rather than merely drifting through it.

The secret of the law of attraction

The secret of the law of attraction

In this part of the course, my students will learn about the law of attraction and how it can be used to bring positive experiences into our lives. This concept suggests that by focusing on our desires with positivity and intention, we can make them a reality. The techniques of visualization, affirmation, and gratitude are powerful tools that can help us align our thoughts, emotions, and actions with our goals and desires, creating momentum towards manifesting the life we want. Ultimately, students will learn how to create a daily routine that empowers them to accelerate their goals and dreams.

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